Jesus’ followers were not all called away from their occupations.
Could giftedness be one of the key ways to discern your calling? In this interview with the Theology of Work Project, Bill Hendricks discusses the significance of giftedness for vocation. Bill Hendricks is...
We know that more Americans are changing jobs than at any other point since records have been kept. But how are they...
We talk about common myths and half truths about calling with vocational psychologist Dr. Bryan Dik.
Have you ever felt God calling you to something unexpected and outside your comfort zone?
The uncertainty of work today may leave you anxious and asking, how can I find meaning in my work? And, can I...
Considering the 'scattered life' of the Body of Christ. An offering for church members and pastors. Thanks to Naomi Compton for allowing us to host this here.
By J.D. Greear. J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham North Carolina. The day after my dad retired...
Our panelists answer your questions about discerning your calling and following God's lead for your career.
Have you found your passion at work? That perfect job that excites you to jump out of...
Obeying God's call led to transformation for Edgerton Gear, a Wisconsin-based custom gear manufacturer.
How can you experience joy in your work when you're working a job that you don't like?
This video is part of the Global Classroom episode on Workplace Ministry. View the episode page and access the full set of...
This video is part of the Global Classroom episode on Workplace Ministry. View the episode page and access the full set of related resources on the Lausanne website.
This video is part of the Lausanne Global Classroom episode on Workplace Ministry. View the episode page and access the full set of related resources on the Lausanne website.
This page has links to free resources for seminary courses on vocation and calling and on the theology of work.
Church History assignments to bring work into the seminary curriculum.
Show seminary students how the doctrine of vocation has changed over the course of church history.
Assignments in preaching to help seminary students understand work.
This is the latest in a series of articles sharing insights from a joint curricular development initiative of the ON, the Theology...
You've worked hard, you've landed the job that you thought you wanted but for whatever reason you're unhappy. How do you know...
How you define success can guide how you live every day and the decisions you make. So...
Note: This interview with Sean McDonough by the Oikonomia Network highlights the small-group video study curriculum “Jesus and Your Job,” from the...
Sermon given at Wheaton College (IL) on Nov. 7, 2018 about the call to bring God's redemptive power into all the places...
CEO Hans Hess felt shame for not being a missionary until he read Luther's writings on vocation.
Engage in enough small talk and someone will inevitably ask, “What do you do?” How do you feel when you hear that...
Whatever work you do, it matters to God. God doesn't give more points to pastors or missionaries or people who work for...
Mark Roberts poses a question about family and work.
Theme: There’s more freedom than we imagine in doing God’s will for our work. Key Truths/Outline 1...
Philippians 4:13 (NIV) “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Central Truth: Salvation is...
Scripture Genesis 1:27-28 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he...
Exodus 3:1-12 Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness...
Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the...
"We are more than a restaurant - we're a home."
Sports are fun to watch and fun to play. (Except, perhaps, if you’re a Chicago Cubs fan. Until this year!) The Bible...
It’s almost Halloween, a time when some people buy costumes, some people stock up on candy, and some people. . . take...
Remembering the life, work, and ministry of Howard E. Butt, Jr., who died Saturday, September 11, 2016.
Learn more about faith and work from these resources: from introductary books to bibliographies for advanced study.
All parts of the Bible can relate to life's work, if you have eyes primed to see it.
What do you want? I’ve grown up in a culture that taught me all I needed to do was figure out what...
Being in over our heads sends us into learning mode whether we like it or not.
A young African man saw the misery around him, and he grew angry. He asked his minister why people had to suffer. He cried, "Why doesn't God do something?"
No matter what we do, or how hard we work, many people will not understand us or what our lives are truly about.
We can ask of every kind of work we doing, "Am I loving and serving my neighbor, or am I exploiting and...
"After eight years of continual losses, my team thought they were a bunch of losers. As producer, I had to show them...
The question "what do you do?" has now become completely out of vogue.
While others climb the ladder to success, God invites us to joyfully go low.
Beaver Nelson’s work challenges us—how do we answer the big questions of life and work?
Allow the one who created work to use you in His redemptive plan.
Kimberly Renner discusses honoring God through her construction work, by doing good work and treating people well.
Since they’d roomed together in college, Mitch and Steve had traveled separate paths. That’s how Steve saw it. About the time Steve began business school, Mitch entered seminary. You know, “God’s...
As Christians, we are called to work towards "shalom"—comprehensive flourishing—in everything we do.
Last month, Mark Labberton, the president of Fuller Seminary and our personal friend published an incredibly important new book, Called.
I know two nurses. One finds great joy serving in a hospice and offering tender care to the dying. The other works...
Life doesn't card you at the door. If you have a dream, your age is the best age.
I began my brief career as a nurse, with no vision, apart from survival—my own and that of my patients. Fear drove...
Whether in a job you love, or a job you're filling until something better comes along, feeling the love at work begins with being true to you.
What is the purpose of Christian ministry? What is the purpose of your ministry as one of Christ's ministers? ...
Leaving the refugee camp for the boardroom was a complicated decision.
My friend Jeff is a buttoned-up finance guy in his late thirties who manages a business unit for a corporate behemoth. We attend the same church, and I see him and his wife...
The other day my friend asked a rather blunt and personal question: “Do you think it is God’s will for you to...
For years I served as a teaching pastor at my church, but then left the pastoral team to pursue a calling outside the institutional church.
So often we get tired or bored or frustrated with our work situation, thinking that there is supposed to be a better...
"To me, the win is that every church would have someone whose sole focus is vocation."
It seems that a sense of calling might be less a function of the kind of work you do as much as...
This passage from Ezekiel challenges me to consider how I am using the gifts God has given me. Am I exercising them...
When I was 29 years old I interviewed for a business development position as a step up from my current job. Although...
Dee Ann Turner has worked for Chick-fil-A for more than 25 years and currently serves as Vice...
My wife and I took a trip to Nantucket recently to celebrate our anniversary. We walked the cobble-stoned streets, toasted champagne on the beach, indulged in a couple’s massage, and took a sailing...
It’s nice to make money, isn't it? ...
As an ordained minister, I am sometimes asked: “When were you called into the ministry?”
When I was nineteen years old, I wanted more than anything else in the world to become a published songwriter.
Last week I spoke to a group of men at my church on the subject of "Spiritual Engagement at Work."
"All work done well and for God's glory is Christian work." – Dorothy Sayers
Do you remember Jesus' first miracle?
After working as a parish priest for 15 years, Barbara Brown Taylor ( left her parish position to become a religion professor...
When my son was just learning to talk, I carried him around the house in my arms and pointed out things to...
Matt Milam II posted this fantastic video over at his highcallingblogs site. (Matt is also on blogger.) Matt and his folks are spending the summer having church in the Blue Sky Cathedral. I...
About forty years ago, the church rediscovered its identity as the body of Christ. Millions of Christians were thrilled to realize that they had an essential role in their churches. Renewal came to...
In yesterday’s reflection, we focused on the amazing truth that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God.” Yet there’s another phrase in that thought.
I have been living on devotional snacks lately, thirty minutes here, fifteen there.
J. I. Packer is a Board of Governors' Professor in Theology at Regent College; Vancouver, BC. He is author of many books...
In 1814 an American lawyer, held on a Royal Navy vessel, viewed Britain’s assault on Baltimore.
Author Roger Kahn wrote The Boys of Summer and other sports best-sellers, but he hated the “sportswriter” tag. One day, Kahn was sent to interview the famous writer Robert Frost, who said exactly...
Explore what the Bible says about God's calling and your work.
Calling begins with the call to follow Christ. All other callings, including the call to work and particular types of work, flow from this primary calling. The Bible has much to say about...
In the Bible, the word “call” is used most often to refer to God's initiative to bring...
God created you as a worker, and he commands you to work, even if he doesn’t mail you a specific job offer.
Although we are focusing on God’s call to work, work is only one element of life. God calls us to belong to Christ in every element of our lives. Colossians 3:17 Whatever you...
At this point, we are now able to delve into the possibility of God’s guidance to a particular task, job, career or type of work. We have seen that: Everyone is called to...
With the understanding that the ultimate image of calling in the Bible is the calling to follow Jesus, we are ready to...
The first consideration is the needs of the world. The single strongest indicator of what God wants you to do is probably your awareness of what needs to get done to make the...
The second consideration is your skills and gifts. The Bible says that God gives people gifts for accomplishing the work he wants them to do, and it names some of the gifts and...
Finally, the Bible says that your truest or deepest desires are also important to God. Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm...
These three considerations — the needs of the world, your skills and gifts, and your truest desires — are guides, but they are not absolutes. For one thing, in a fallen world, you...
A call to ministry or church work is no more sacred than a call to other types of work.
If God leads or guides people to their work, could it ever be legitimate to change jobs? Wouldn’t that be rejecting God’s guidance to the work you already have? Martin Luther, the 16th...
How you work is at least as important to God as what job or profession you have. In every job, you have...
Got the Job, but Not the Dream. Now What? (Click Here to Read) How do you plug your heart and soul into a job that you are just not into, one that is...
The entire gospel is the story of the kingdom of God coming from heaven into every square inch of the universe.
For these disciples to follow Jesus, they have to allow their identity, status, and worth to be determined in relation to Jesus rather than to their occupation and possessions.
Use this book and the questions at the end of each chapter to spark discussion about calling.
I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us . . . have jobs that...
In order to grow and maintain a clear sense of SoulPurpose for yourself, we believe you need five particular components in your...
The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger...
Careerism versus Calling When most of us think about the “working week” we have been conditioned to think in terms of careers and occupations. Our work as doctors, teachers, mechanics, retail assistants, human...
Because of our involvement with numerous Christian organizations and churches, we both have had occasion over the years to see their application...
We all know how important words are. They communicate more than just actions and ideas. Many words encapsulate and reinforce worldviews –...
Remember our characters from the beginning of the book? In writing about them we have altered names and some of the details...
Alistair’s story In the first chapter of this book we quoted Calvin Redekop, a Canadian Mennonite, who wrote: “The truth is that the average Christian spends less than 2 percent of his or...
As most of us navigate the daily changing of tides with news around the health and safety of our world, communities, and...
There are a wide range of areas that a lawyer can choose to practise. The work that is done in those different areas often benefit different types of people.
This is the sixth sermon in the series: “Inspired: The Whole of Life with God in the Picture.” It was delivered by...
This content is part of the Ruth and Parables curriculum, an 11-week integrated sermon and small group series on faith and work...
This is the eighth sermon in the series: “Inspired: The Whole of Life with God in the...
For the last week of this series, blogger Leah Archibald speaks about finding fulfillment in work from the point of view of...