Guest Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith tells us about seven different types of rest and how God helped her recover from burnout.
Have stress and exhaustion become your default state? We talk with guest Sarah Magidoff about slowing down...
Experienced engineers will take less pay in exchange for a sane work schedule and fulfilling relationships.
Mother’s Day: that Sunday once a year when we honor moms with flowers and chocolates and maybe even chip in with the...
If you can't concentrate on your time with your children because you are thinking about work you'd like to be doing, you are in danger.
Peter Schneck sold a thriving ad agency when he realized it was keeping him from being in a close relationship with his...
Work and rest are not opposing forces, but elements of a rhythm that make good work and true recreation possible. If you’re...
This episode features a talk Dr. Richard A. Swenson gave at a Marketplace Network Forum in Boston. You can visit his website...
Last week, we began focusing on the first part of Ephesians 5:15, “Be very careful, then, how...
In the middle of my college career I first found Sabbath rest to be a relief rather than a rule. The message of God’s power and sovereignty pressed deeply as I navigated the...
Of the Ten Commandments, the longest commandment is the one that begins, "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy."
A few months ago, a young woman, new to faith, reached out to me with a pressing need.
From 1916 to 1939, Justice Louis Brandeis sat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Once, right before the start of an important trial, Justice Brandeis took a short vacation—and drew heavy criticism for it....
How many plates do you have in the air?
This is the third talk of Andy Mills' five-part series on faith and work. Andy Mills is the former CEO of the...
The speed and amount of data coming at us on our computers, laptops, and cellphones, and soon through our glasses and watches, is startling.
What is the connection between faith and work? The Bible affirms the goodness of creation and therefore the goodness of work. In...
Susan Wunderink of Christianity Today reflects on the lessons learned from an extended time of unemployment in “The Sabbath Swimming Lesson: When...
The Sabbath is a day for saving life, not just in the particular sense of rescuing someone from a life-threatening situation, but...
In a world so filled with busyness, where electronic communication invades every moment, where people are running ragged and neglecting their most...
Our minivan served us faithfully for over a decade, but we came to the point where we knew, as the Little River...
At the age of 14, Scott Mooney was bitten by the entrepreneur bug. He started selling horse equipment out of his father's barn, then from a rented a location on a main street...
Becca worked from home, and her friends envied her. “No commute!” they’d say. And while no commute was great, Becca knew the flip side: no climbing in the car to get away from...
Jews in the time of Jesus were divided on the question of exactly what sort of activity should be permitted on the Sabbath. Among the Pharisees, some allowed for healing on the Sabbath...
Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, offers to each of us the refreshment of frequent, recurring rest.
God calls people to both work and rest. Explore the biblical call to rest and break through some of the barriers we...
God’s dual invitations to work and to rest validate the special bond between God, humanity, and creation.
After the Fall rest becomes a necessary antidote to the harshness of work, yet rest is elusive because humanity’s perfect relationship with...
The Fall makes work difficult, and creates a desperate need for people to experience both physical and spiritual rest. But people often...
The deeper problem with rest is not a matter of scheduling. It is a matter of trust in God. Somehow, people’s hearts...
Although people are free to choose when and how to rest, there are compelling arguments both for observing a weekly sabbath rest...
Believers can give Jesus their burdens and experience deeper rest. However, it takes a full surrendering of minds, hearts, and wills.
God sets limits to our work. It's up to us to discern those limits and live within them.
The issue of the Sabbath is complex, not only in the book of Exodus and the Old...
Leviticus 25 ordains a sabbath year, one in every seven (Lev. 25:1-7), and a jubilee year, one in every fifty (Lev. 25:8-17)...
The first part of the fourth commandment calls for ceasing labor one day in seven. On the one hand, this was an...
Of the few variations between the two versions of the Ten Commandments, the majority occur as additions to the fourth commandment in...
Learning to trust God for our provision is an ongoing challenge, particularly if we are prone to compulsive work habits. Gordon MacDonald...
After the wall surrounding Jerusalem was completed, the Israelites gathered in Jerusalem in order to renew their...
Jeremiah also turned his attention to the rhythm of work and rest. As always, the prophet began with God’s earlier self-revelation; in...
Making Time Off Predictable and Required Read more here about a new study regarding rhythms of rest and work done at the...
Jesus’ healing in this episode occurs through personal touch.
The Sabbath principle allows us time to focus on God in a different way than the working week allows.
The Sabbath is an essential part of the biblical understanding of work, and Jesus teaches about the Sabbath in the Gospel of...
As much as the creation is therefore the good work of God in Christ, there is still a stark contrast between the...
I’d had a difficult year. Despite my intense commitment to working with unchurched young people, I was feeling tired and drawn. Everything...
Biblical and practical tips on maintaining a rhythm between work and rest.