You may not typically think of working in hospitality as a particularly powerful job, but this work has great power when we...
Luke 10:38-42 (NRSV) Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him...
Text: John 15:1-17 1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He...
Unless you’re living on a deserted island, you probably had a customer service transaction today. Did you look for God in that...
As the creator of Peanuts reminds us, the hours we spend at work are so much more than just “work” hours. Many...
Speaking out is important, but it’s not enough.
So when I look at my neighbors, whatever their faith is, the first thing I can say about them is they're image...
As I proofread a comics page, my internal “uh-oh” sensor pinged. ...
Growing up in Mexico, the courteous response to a compliment about a physical possession was always to offer to let the person...
Network member Kristin Schell exudes warmth, joy, and hospitality. I'm privileged to call her "friend." ...
Lent arrives via ashes, but Easter bursts on the scene with raucous joy. Easter shatters the heavy sorrow and insists we hear the bold assertion: gloom, sin, injustice and despair have been...
Standing around the kitchen that night, we all knew that we weren't there together because of luck, and the food we were...
In Ephesians 1:15-16, Paul tells the recipients of the letter that he gives thanks for them, in part because of their "love...
Think about the people around you in your daily work. How can you pray for them?
Like most people, I enjoy hosting my friends. When people I know well come over for dinner, I feel relaxed and happy, glad to share my home with them. But as one who...
The greatest communication success story in history is how the gospel spread across the Mediterranean world.
The story of Abraham and Sarah’s generous hospitality to three visitors who came to them by the oaks of Mamre is told...
The calling of Levi is another incident that occurs as Jesus is moving (Mark 2:13-14). The passage stresses the public nature of...
This suggests that God’s secret weapon is generosity. If by God’s power you can be generous, wealth...
Another aspect of welcoming is that it strengthens the community. “Each of us must please the neighbor for the good purpose of...
Amid the various concluding exhortations in Hebrews 13, two have a special relevance for work. Let us begin with Hebrews 13:2 where it says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for...
A 6-week small group series on work and hospitality, with movie night discussion guides.
Discuss Luke 9:10-17 the feeding of the masses, and explore the meaning of hospitality with your small group.
What does the movie Babette's Feast have to say about God and his generous hospitality?
Watch the movie Julie & Julia, discuss Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha, and explore the gifts of hospitality with your small group.
What does the movie Julie & Julia have to say about hospitality? Discuss this question with your small group.
Watch the movie The Visitor, read LUKE 10:25-37 Parable of the Good Samaritan, and talk about welcoming the stranger with your small group.
What does the movie The Visitor have to say about hospitality? Movie discussion questions for small groups.
Talk with your small group about making room for others with Luke 14:1-24, the Parable of the Great Banquet.
Discuss the movie Molokai with your small group and make connections to biblical hospitality.
Read Luke 24:13-35 with your small group and use this study to discuss hospitality and recognizing Jesus.
What does the movie Les Miserables say about hospitality? Discuss with your small group.
This small group study discusses Luke 22:7-30 The Last Supper and the ultimate act of hospitality.
Watch the movie Amish Grace and use these discussion questions to explore hospitality with your small group.